Monday, June 23, 2008

Sheba's Wine Blog: What is a Flight? And can I go 1st Class?

Whenever I say, " Faire has featured wine flights once a month!" People usually respond with,  "huh?" So, I figured now would be a great time to discuss one of the most fun aspects of wine tasting!! 
Wine flights are any grouping of wines, from 3 to 6 glasses, based on some theme. That theme can be anything from; Chardonnays, Wines from California, Wine from all the same producer, vintage etc. The possibilities are endless. Ordering a flight of wine is a fun way to figure out what you like, or don't like about wine.
One time in New York Me and my best friend went to a wine bar and ordered a flight of Sauvignon Blancs. Now before I go any further let me preface, My best friend hates oaky wines. I mean hates them. To quote her,  "They taste like your drinking a tree." 
It was totally fun discovering the wines we liked while she tasted last but not least a Fume' Blanc. Fume' Blancs are Sauvignon Blancs with tons of oak on them. Her face after the first sip was priceless. Something like bitter beer face, hilarious. She hated it. But, as you can see, we drank what we liked,  and hated what we hated. But most importantly had fun drinking and learning about wine. How else can you taste 4 similar wines  without buying the bottle? 
So, when I say, "Faire has featured wine flights every month!" Everybody should not only know what I mean, but want to come! 

Wine Flight Night Club
The Last Thursday of the Month
June is Riesling
4 glasses for $15
1 for $5
DJ Intuition on the turntables!!!
8:00pm - Midnight
It's not a Party without Wine!

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